Musbury Tor and Hog Lowe Pike via the Rossendale Way.

If there is a finer walk than this one anywhere in Lancashire, I'm yet to find it. This one of my favourite walks and takes in a couple of ovely peaks, and a superb walk across the ridge of Musbury Heights. A bit muddy in places, but totally worth it.

Musbury Tor on the ascent from Helmshore

Rolling Lancashire countryside looking into Musden Head

A lone tree on the skyline

Musbury Tor from the other side

Hog Lowe Pike

Hog Lowe Pike Summit

Following the superb Path along the top of Musbury Heights to tthe quarry

Entering the derelict quarry workings

The Old quarry

A view of "The Dark side" of Musbury Tor

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Sunday 2nd October 2016