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Helm Crag from Grasmere Route
  May 9th 2023

Helm Crag Circuit Approx 9 miles

1. From the bus stop next to Heaton cooper Studio, turn left onto Easdale Road, and head North West out of the village. Go past the YHA. Carry on North West on the road passing a row of cottages, and crossing Goody Bridge over the River Rothsay. Follow the road as it loops right, then left, to arrive at a junction next to cottages. Turn right on to a footpath marked “Helm Crag Footpath” by a fingerpost. Climb North on a stoney track and go through a gate.

2. Veer left briefly before turning right at a junction. Go along a walled track and emerge onto open fell-side. Turn right to reach a cairn. Turn left to pick up the path ascending Helm Crag. Climb steeply following a wooden fence first and then on to the left of a dry stone wall. Where the wall swings right next to a large boulder, turn left and climb West and North along a good path. At a cairn the path loops East and zigzags up uphill. Gain the ridge and turn left, climb steeply over rocky ground, veer to the left of The Lion and The Lamb outcrops and continue over flatter terrain to reach The Howitzer summit. Climb to the top.

3. Descend North West from The Howitzer and pick up a cairned path downhill to the Col at Bracken Hause. Climb gently before veering left on a clear path traversing to the West of higher ground, rather than taking the ridge directly ahead. Rejoin the ridge after traversing and head North West over undulating terrain to the cairned summit of Gibson Knott. Continue North West and West on the ridge, negotiating a series of minor depressions and rises. Pass beyond Pike of Carrs and arrive at the summit of Calf Crag.

4. Descend gently West and South West crossing a stream and passing to the left of the tarn at Brownrigg Moss. Arrive at cairn next to a line of old metal fence posts and turn left. Descend South East on a stone pitched path staying above and to the left of a stream. Follow the stream as it veers East. Take care as the path crosses the stream before continuing downhill, aiming East in to the Far Easdale valley. Veer South East to pass above a couple of prominent sheepfolds and a holly tree, and arrive at a footbridge over Far Easdale Gill.

5. Cross the footbridge and turn right. Bear South East following The Gill and a drystone wall. As the Gill heads South, turn left along the wall and arrive at flatter terrain. Veer left and pass stone barns and continue beyond Brimmer Head farm. Continue East past another stone Barn and along a wide walled lane. Ascend briefly and arrive at a path junction. Continue ahead before turning right through a gate. Descend the stoney path next to houses and turn left onto the road. Retrace your steps back in to Grasmere.

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