| Catrigg Force and Jubilee Caves
 Approx 6.5 miles - Sunday 3rd Sept 2023
|  | A
stunning walk from the village of Langcliffe to Catrigg Force and then on to the
caves of Jubille, Victoria and Attamire before returning through some
of the best Limestone scenery in The Dales
|  Leaving the car park, a terific walled lane statrs the walk
 And heads towars Langcliffe quarry
 The view back down the valley
 Catrigg Force from the footpath
 The water falls 60 feet into a deep pool
 These lads are just enjoying the September sunshine
 Typical Dales stone walls
 The green path to Jubilee Cave
 Jubille Cave, there are 3 emtrances, one is to the right just out of shot
 Looking intio the cave, you can explore for about 10 metres .
 Next stop Victoria Cave
 The entrance to Victoria cave, it's massive inside
 info board explaining the finds from Victoria Cave
 attamire scar
 Warrendale Knotts - spectacular Dales scenery
 Panoramic view of Warrendale Knotts and Attamire Scar
 Hello, Another Cave, this one is called Bivi Cave
 Bivi Cave, it has probably been
used many times for shelter. No bigger than a tent inside
 Looking downhill towards Settle
 Pen y Gehent from the short detour climb to an unnamed 400m summit
 Almost back in Settle
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|  | Sunday 3rd September 2023
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