| Photo's from a walk over Longridge Fell Sunday 6th October 2013 |  | The
fantastic summer of 2013 continues into October with another Tee shirt
and shorts walk, over Longridge Fell From Loud Mytham Bridge
 Beacon Fell through the tress on the climb to Longridge Fell
 Bleasdale Fell from the same place
 Colourfull butterfly
 There was an eerie mist on the path through the tress

 The Bleasdale fells from the ridge wall on Longridge Fell
 The Trig point
 View from the summit across the Vale of Loud
 On the way down now
 Looking back to Longridge Fell
 Left or right? Neither, I'm going straight on.
 What are u looing at !!!
 The stepping stones over the River Loud at Bailey Hippings
 View up stream from the middle of the river
 The "hippings" from the other bank
 End of the walk and the River Hodder from Doeford Bridge
 And looking in the opposite direction
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