Bowness and Latterbarrow from Hawkshead

The Pierhead at Bowness

The Langdales from Bowness

Zooming in on the snowy Langales

A cold looking Windermere from the Ferry to Hawkshead

The Hawkshead Ferry

Climbing to Latterbarrow

The Fairfield Range from the climb to Latterbarrow

The massive summit cairn of Latterbarrow comes in to view

The summit

A selfie with Tracey !!

Close ups of the snowy mountains

Windermere below with Ambleside on the distant shore

Tracey heading for the mountains

Tracey in the mountains

Descending now back to Hawkshead

The Kings Arms in Hawkshead

And Naturally, The Quuens Head.

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Latterbarrow - Jan 2015